Interested in therapy or other services but don’t know where to begin?
Free 15-minute phone consultations are available
every Monday and Friday.
Complete a
consultation request to get started!

  • A consultation request form must be completed BEFORE you are able to schedule a free consultation. If the form is not completed, your request will be denied. So please make sure to complete it before requesting a consult.

  • If you need to cancel or reschedule, please try to do so at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.

  • If you are interested in a time or date that is not open on the calendar, send an email at least 48 hours before the date/time you are interested in.

  • If it will be your first session, aim to schedule your appointment 48 hours out, to ensure you have time to complete the initial paperwork. Your session will be canceled if your paperwork is not completed before the scheduled session. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • For minor clients above the age of 14, both the minor and parent/guardian must sign ALL paperwork.

  • Once your appointment is scheduled, you will be sent a confirmation email or text; if needed, additional documents will be sent prior to your appointment.

  • ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE TELEHEALTH (via video or phone)
    *Initial consultations are always phone calls.